Recognition as a Polish citizen

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Comprehensive Legal Services for Foreigners – Legal Assistance for Foreigners
Recognition as a Polish Citizen – When Can a Foreigner Apply?

▬  or  

▬  or  

▬  or  

▬  and  

▬  or  

▬  or  

▬  An adult  

▬  and  

Have at least a B1 level proficiency in the Polish language.

In order for the voivode to issue a decision on recognition as a Polish citizen, the applicant must present the following documents:

✓ A document confirming the applicant's identity and citizenship;

✓ A document confirming the identity and citizenship of the spouse (if applicable);

✓ A document confirming the identity and citizenship of children (if applicable);

✓ A civil status certificate;

✓ Photographs;

✓ Documents confirming proficiency in the Polish language.

In order for the voivode to issue a decision on recognition as a Polish citizen, the applicant must present the following documents:

✓ A document confirming the applicant's identity and citizenship;

✓ A document confirming the identity and citizenship of the spouse (if applicable);

✓ A document confirming the identity and citizenship of children (if applicable);

✓ A civil status certificate;

✓ Photographs;

✓ Documents confirming proficiency in the Polish language.

Have at least a B1 level proficiency in the Polish language.

Have continuously resided in Poland for 1 year based on:

✓ A permanent residence permit obtained due to Polish origin or possession of the Pole’s Card.

Reside in the territory of the Republic of Poland based on:

✓ A permanent residence permit;

✓ A long-term EU resident permit;

✓ The right of permanent residence as an EU citizen.


▬  and  


One of the parents has had their Polish citizenship restored, while the other, who does not hold Polish citizenship, has consented to the recognition of the minor as a Polish citizen.

Reside in the territory of the Republic of Poland based on:

✓ A permanent residence permit;

✓ A long-term EU resident permit;

✓ The right of permanent residence as an EU citizen.


▬  and  


One of the parents has had their Polish citizenship restored, while the other, who does not hold Polish citizenship, has consented to the recognition of the minor as a Polish citizen.

Have continuously resided in Poland for 10 years and hold:

 A permanent residence permit;

 A long-term EU resident permit;

 The right of permanent residence as an EU citizen.


▬  and  


 Have a source of income in Poland;

 Hold a legal title to occupy a residential property.

Have continuously resided in Poland for 2 years based on:

✓ A permanent residence permit obtained due to refugee status granted in Poland.

Reside in the territory of the Republic of Poland based on:

✓ A permanent residence permit;

✓ A long-term EU resident permit;

✓ The right of permanent residence as an EU citizen.


▬  and  


One parent is a Polish citizen, while the other, who does not hold Polish citizenship, has consented to the recognition of the minor as a Polish citizen.

Reside in the territory of the Republic of Poland based on:

✓ A permanent residence permit;

✓ A long-term EU resident permit;

✓ The right of permanent residence as an EU citizen.


▬  and  


One parent is a Polish citizen, while the other, who does not hold Polish citizenship, has consented to the recognition of the minor as a Polish citizen.

▬  A minor may apply for recognition as a Polish citizen if they:  

▬  A minor  

▬  A foreigner may apply for recognition as a Polish citizen if they:  

Have continuously resided in Poland for 3 years based on:

 A permanent residence permit;

 A long-term EU resident permit;

 The right of permanent residence as an EU citizen.


▬  and  


 Have a source of income in Poland;

 Hold a legal title to occupy a residential property.

Have continuously resided in Poland for 2 years based on:

 A permanent residence permit;

 A long-term EU resident permit;

 The right of permanent residence as an EU citizen, if:

  • They have been in a marriage with a Polish citizen for at least 3 years, or they are stateless.

Have continuously resided in Poland for 2 years based on:

 A permanent residence permit;

A long-term EU resident permit;

 The right of permanent residence as an EU citizen, if:

  • They have been in a marriage with a Polish citizen for at least 3 years, or they are stateless.

Have continuously resided in Poland for 2 years based on:

 A permanent residence permit;

 A long-term EU resident permit;

 The right of permanent residence as an EU citizen, if:

  • They have been in a marriage with a Polish citizen for at least 3 years, or they are stateless.

In the case of a negative decision, the applicant has 14 days to appeal to the Minister of the Interior and Administration.

A positively reviewed application concludes the process, and the voivode issues an administrative decision recognizing the applicant as a Polish citizen.

▬  Formal Requirements for the Application for Recognition as a Polish Citizen  

▬  Application Review Process  

▬  Who can apply for recognition as a Polish citizen  

Recognition as a Polish citizen occurs through an administrative decision issued by the voivode. Any applicant meeting the following requirements may apply for recognition as a Polish citizen.

Any foreigner fulfilling specific conditions may apply for Polish citizenship. The application may also include a minor child with the consent of their parents (legal guardians). If the child is over 16 years old, they must personally consent to acquiring citizenship. Notably, a parent may apply for their child's citizenship even if they do not apply for it themselves.

If a foreigner does not meet the requirements for recognition as a Polish citizen, they may consider the procedure for citizenship granted by the President of Poland.

▬  Introduction  

  About Us 

We are based in Poland and specialize in legal assistance for foreigners, providing support in proceedings before public administration authorities. Our goal is client satisfaction, which is why we offer professional services tailored to individual needs, taking into account urgent situations and the expectations of even the most demanding clients.

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ul. Macieja Kamieńskiego 5A/18

80-171 Gdańsk
