After submitting your application on your behalf, we will await the issuance of a decision or ruling. If the outcome is positive, we will send you the requested documents. However, if the decision is unfavorable, we will file an appeal on your behalf and initiate the appeal process to overturn the decision in your favor.
Na tym etapie poprosimy cię o dostarczenie dokumentów, które będą niezbędne do wystąpienia z konkretnym wnioskiem. Może to być np. oryginał aktu zawarcia małżeństwa lub fotogra-fia. Pomożemy Ci w przygotowaniu wszystkich niezbędnych dokumentów, a także zweryfikujemy ich kompletność.
At this stage, we will ask you to provide the necessary documents required for submitting the application. This could include an original marriage certificate or a photograph, for example. We will assist you in preparing all the required documents and ensure their completeness.
Establishing cooperation with us involves signing an agreement. Once all formalities are completed, we will begin the necessary actions to obtain the requested document.
As soon as you reach out to us, we will review your case and answer all your questions. We will explain the procedure for obtaining the specific document you need and present the terms of our cooperation. If everything meets your expectations, we can proceed to the next step.
We provide a broad scope of legal services across multiple areas of law, with a primary focus on legal assistance for foreigners. Below, you’ll find information about the entire process—from signing an agreement to receiving the documents you need. This page also outlines the services we offer. If you require a service that is not listed, feel free to contact us!
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We are based in Poland and specialize in legal assistance for foreigners, providing support in proceedings before public administration authorities. Our goal is client satisfaction, which is why we offer professional services tailored to individual needs, taking into account urgent situations and the expectations of even the most demanding clients.
ul. Macieja Kamieńskiego 5A/18
80-171 Gdańsk